Under a fair and normal governance structure islanders might safely consider a Green candidate like Elizabeth May, a seemingly reasonable choice to be our federal representative. However, I suspect if we make the mistake of empowering the Islands Trust with such a federal advocate in Ottawa that we might be responsible for spreading this Trust ideological nightmare throughout all Canada... and our fellow Canadians would never forgive us!!!
Also, given what happened in the last Federal election, I think a Green vote would virtually ensure a Conservative Majority with yet another throw-away-vote on a Party that is splitting the opposition with the Liberals and NDP three ways now. The Left never learns the wisdom of unity. Gary Lunn must be in 7th heaven. Remember last time, much loved 'Green turncoat Liberal' Briony Penn, even without the vote-splitting NDP could not over power Gary Lunn - close but no cigar, some NDPers still voted for a non-existent candidate!!! :-| - much like the Trust party faithful, the NDP can be a maniacal bunch too. THE NDP AND GREENS SHOULD MERGE!, they are not that different.
Furthermore, does anybody think we need any more Green, armchair environmentalism around here? We are already showing signs of starting to get too green around the gills now that The Islands Trust has more than effectively destroyed local island economies here in the Gulf Islands. With the Trust recently voting themselves a juggernaut budget of almost $7 million, every 365 days, should we really be risking empowering them any further with an advocate in Ottawa?
Just saying, THINK. Even stoners should reconsider despite Ms. May's claims to support Marijuana legalization. Like the NDP's Jack Layton's similar promise when he needed the 'socialist green' vote, check the current official drug policies of the NDP on that one. (See Jack Layton on POT TV here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5-x6NVYBYM . One Green is not going to change the law on that one.
Sadly a good possible candidate like Ms. May is just going to further split the centrists and left and if that doesn't ensure a Conservative Majority then it will almost certainly assure Gary Lunn is with us for a long time. That may not be a bad thing while we wait for the opposition to realise how futile disunity is. Vote with your mind not wishful thinking, governance is not a game for emotional fuzziness.
Usually I vote NDP.
ReplyDeleteLast year I wandered over to the Libs to vote for Briony Penn.
This year I am voting for Elizabeth May.
She is polling very close to Lunn while the NDP and Libs are both at 17%
Stalwart Trust and Trustee supporters are divided in their vote.Some such as Penn will maintain support for the Lib candidate, long time faithful NDPers will vote for their candidate but others are voting for Elizabeth.We like her.It is less a vote for the Greens as it is for a gal who has a lot of experience with Federal politics.
With a minority Con gov't, her vote in the House will be effective.
Don't waste your vote,eh!
last week in Sidney an executive for the Cons declared his support for her and wrote her a check for $1000
while trying to tear up his Con member card.